If you have questions or encounter any problems with submissions, please contact Olivia Marino at aiacentralva@gmail.com.

2024 AIA Central VA Design Awards

Please read all submission details. Entry form and payment link below.

All completed online submissions must be received by the Chapter no later than 5:00pm on Friday, August 30th, 2024.


All entries must be the work of AIA Central Virginia members (either AIA members, Associate AIA members, or AIAS members) who are currently members in good standing of the Chapter. All design entries shall be projects executed by firms located in the AIA Central Virginia region. Any entry that is not the sole design responsibility of the submitter must be properly credited. Associate members must clearly identify their role in the design process, as they cannot be listed as the “architect of record.”

Location of the projects is not restricted, but any built works submitted for consideration must have been completed after Jan. 1, 2017. Unbuilt works of which design work was completed after Jan. 1, 2017 will be considered for recognition as well. Projects that have previously won awards, other than from AIA Central Virginia, are eligible for recognition.


There are six categories in the Design Awards - Architecture, Contextual Design, Historic Preservation, Interiors, Residential Design, and Students & Emerging Architects. Within the six categories, submitted projects may be completed as well as envisioned or unbuilt projects. The jury may select as many projects as they choose in each category for awards of Honor, Merit, and Honorable Mention. The jury shall retain the right to select no winners in a category if no submissions meet the required criteria or rise to a minimum level of merit.

Architecture: Designers may submit projects of all types (excluding residential) and scales for consideration in the Architecture category. The jury will consider the project’s aesthetics, adherence to the client program, proven and projected building performance, and concept development.

Contextual Design: Awards in this category recognize architecture that reflects the history, culture, social and physical character of its surroundings while contributing to the function, beauty, and meaning of the larger context. Contemporary and historical design responses are eligible.

Historic Preservation: Projects in this category include projects that seek to protect, maintain, and improve buildings and places that are vital to the history and culture of a place.

Interiors: Interior architecture projects will demonstrate a mastery of composition, function, material and color palettes, and well-integrated adherence to the highest levels of accessibility, health and safety, environmental, and occupant-comfort considerations, standards, and regulations. Submissions should highlight accommodation of project goals, including the client’s specific programmatic requirements.

Residential Design: Aesthetic appeal and functionality are two long-established criteria for home design. More frequently, especially in the last several years, families have also been looking for affordability and resource efficiency.

  • Design that suits the needs of the homeowner or resident, that is easily maintained, filled with adequate natural light and fresh air, energy and water efficient, and is universally accessible.

  • Community building, in that the residence is well-sited with respect to its surroundings, including views, amenities such as transit, shopping, recreation, and congregation.

Students & Emerging Architects: Design excellence can be achieved, no matter the size or scope of a project. These awards celebrate the work of Students & Emerging Architects, from conceptual and studio work, to small projects at any budget. Focus will be given to design that responds to the needs of its users - the specific individuals, community, or organizations, clarity of design intent and execution. Associate Members and Students enrolled at JMU and UVA can apply.


Submission format intentionally matches the requirements for the AIA Virginia’s Awards for Excellence in Architecture. All materials must be submitted through an online submission form, in PDF files in an 8 1/2” x 11” page size format, not exceeding 15 MB. Each submittal shall contain (2) two PDFs with the following:

PDF #1 (Concealed ID - file named ‘Title of Project_ConcealedID.pdf’)

This PDF shall be one (1) 8 1/2” x 11” sheet listing the following information:

  • Project name and address

  • Project award category

  • Owner's name, address, email address and phone number

  • Design Team’s name(s), address(es), email address(es) and phone number(s)

  • Contractor's name, address, email address and phone number

  • Photographer's name, address, email address and phone number. 

  • Additional notes.

This file is for submission management only. The jury will not see this information.

PDF #2 (your Project Submission - file named ‘Title of Project.pdf’)

This PDF shall be seven (7) sheets. Sheets 2-7 will be 8 1/2” x 11” in size. File will not exceed 10 MB.

  • Page 1: Required Framework for Design Excellence Project Information Sheet.
    Note: Entrants should not feel obligated to respond to every measure within the Framework — only those that apply to the project being submitted. Every project is different and may not respond to each measure within the AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence. The jury will consider each design holistically and within context.

  • Page 2: Brief project description (voided of design firm's name or logo) and category to which it is being submitted

  • Pages 3-7: Photographs, renderings, and/or plans/sections that provide a clear understanding of the project. Also encouraged are concept sketches that communicate the development of the project and or its method of construction.

*There may not be any information in this document that identifies the firm or individual. Entries with identifying information will be disqualified. Personal information is all listed on the concealed pdf.


Each entrant shall provide a registration fee for each project to be entered, payable by credit card, when the project is submitted. This fee, which provides partial support for the AIA Central Virginia’s Awards Program, is non-refundable.

  • Student and Emerging Professionals: $10.00 per entry

  • All other projects: $100.00 per entry

All completed online submissions must be received by the Chapter no later than 5:00pm on Friday August 30, 2024. Full schedule follows:

  • Call for Entries: Monday, June 24th

  • Submissions due: by 6PM on Friday, August 30th

  • Winners notified: by Tuesday, September 24th

  • Awards will be presented at the AIA Central Virginia Honors + Design Awards Gala on Wednesday, October 23rd

    Note: All entries must be a the work of members of AIA Central Virginia, the work of licensed architects with an office in the AIA Central Virginia region, or a student at UVA or JMU.

Entry Form - Design Awards: