If you have questions or encounter any problems with submissions, please contact Olivia Marino at aiacentralva@gmail.com.

2024 AIA Central VA Chapter Honors

If you have a colleague who you would like to nominate for an award, please complete the form below.

To all who submit and the nominees they wish to honor,  AIA Central Virginia thank you for the great work you do!

All completed online submissions must be received by the Chapter no later than 5:00pm on Thursday, August 15th, 2024.

All nominations must be submitted through this online submission form, in one PDF file, 8 1/2” x 11” page size format, not exceeding three pages and 10 MB.

  • Page 1: One-page narrative summary of the nomination, 

  • Pages 2-3: Up to two pages of supporting information, images, or letters of support.  

  • PDF files should be named: “Honors_First_Last.pdf” (First and Last name of Nominee)

AIA Central Virginia Honors & Awards Committee members and previous award winners cannot be nominated. See our Past Honors + Awards Winners for details on previous year’s winners.


The Milton Grigg Award is the highest award bestowed on a member architect, to honor a distinguished, sustained, body of accomplishments. Award winner’s work spans the spectrum of the profession and transcends the scope of normal professional activities.

The Chapter Honors are given to members of the Central Virginia Chapter of the AIA who have distinguished themselves in design, practice, education, in service to the profession, or as a “citizen architect”. This Honor can serve as an accolade for the work of an entire career, or as recognition of the current accomplishments of a younger leader. Up to three awards may be bestowed each year.

The Community Service Award is the Chapter award honoring an individual or organization that has made significant contributions to the built environment or the public’s awareness of the built environment within Central Virginia.

The Young Activist in Architecture Award is awarded in recognition of the key role architects play in shaping our communities, and in particular, the energy with which young professionals are engaging in community activism. The award seeks to honor individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made significant contributions to their community early in their careers. Nominees must be AIA members in good standing for less than 10 years.

Nomination Form - Chapter Honors: