HR Insights with Amanda Moxham: Series Intro + Part 1, Psychological Safety

Editorial by Amanda Moxham, Chief HR Officer @ UVA Alumni Association

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Greetings, visionary architects! 

Architecture plays a critical role in contributing to a more just and inclusive society. By prioritizing inclusive design, equitable access, and community engagement, architects create progressive spaces that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA). So, how are we taking these same principles and applying them to our most crucial resource – our people? 

The architecture industry is evolving, and so should our approach to all things in the Human Resources (HR) realm. Over the past 20+ years, the HR profession has progressed from a transactional administrative function to a strategic business partner. A few areas of HR expertise include organizational culture, talent acquisition, talent development, organizational design, team effectiveness, performance management, succession planning, and much more.  

Today, we will begin a six-part HR series to support you in building that strong foundation within your organization. I will offer both strategic and tactical guidance to support you on your journey of disrupting the status quo to develop thoughtful human-centered strategies to drive your firm to new heights. 


Part 1: Building Resilient Teams: The Role of Psychological Safety in Architectural Firms 

Imagine a workplace where every idea is heard, mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, and every team member feels safe to take risks. This is the essence of psychological safety, and it’s a game-changer for organizational culture. As many firms are focused on DEIA, the Inclusion aspect is a distinct outcome of establishing and sustaining psychological safety. Today, we’ll explore why it’s critical for innovation and resilience, and how to foster it within your firm. 

Mind-blowing stats: 

  • Teams with high psychological safety are 12 times more likely to be innovative. 

(The Role of Psychological Safety in Radical and Incremental Innovation, Academy of Management Journal, 2019). 

  • Companies with high empathy levels perform 20% better than their peers.  

(The Empathy Business: The Empathy Effect, Harvard Business Review, 2016). 

  • Teams that prioritize psychological safety see a 27% increase in employee retention.  

(Building a Psychologically Safe Workplace, Gallup, 2018). 

Psychological safety is about creating an environment where people feel comfortable being themselves without fear of negative consequences. Encouraging open dialogue and embracing mistakes as learning opportunities leads to team members being more likely to share ideas, concerns, and feedback. These elements lead to trust-building, better decision-making, innovation, experimentation, and continuous improvement.   

Promoting Psychological Safety 

Fostering psychological safety requires intentional, sustained effort. Here’s how to promote it in your firm: 

  • Lead by Example: Whether you are in a formal leadership role or not, you play a key role in setting the tone for psychological safety. By being open, approachable, and supportive, you encourage others to do the same. 

  • Encourage Vulnerability: Create an environment where vulnerability is seen as a strength. Encourage team members to share their uncertainties and ask for help. 

  • Emphasize Empathy: Foster a culture of empathy where team members actively listen and support each other. This builds trust and strengthens team cohesion. 

To make psychological safety a core part of your culture, integrate it into your daily practices. Consider how you start team meetings, internal project kick-offs, and how you facilitate retroactive assessments of projects mid-stream or at the conclusion. Here are three favorites of mine: 

  • The Personal Histories Exercise from Patrick Lencioni’s book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, team members share their answers to a short list of questions. This exercise provides context on people’s lives and an opportunity to understand people outside of your day-to-day work. Typically, organic conversations grow out of this low-stakes activity. Some question examples include: 

  1. Where did you grow up? 

  1. What was your first job? Worst job? 

  1. How many siblings do you have? 

  1. What do you do in your free time? 

  • The 4Ls Exercise used at Atlassian, is a different format of a review or “retro” when a project or work cycle finishes to reflect on how it went. With this format, team members highlight what they loved, loathed, learned, and longed for. And it’s not just about the work itself. Encourage your team to think about people, processes, office space/environment, technology usage, team behaviors, and other aspects of the project. 

  • Personal Soundtrack Exercise is a fun way to get to know your fellow team members in a different way—through music. Music has a powerful way of transporting us to another time, place, or feeling. Working in pairs, each person “interviews” their partner to learn about 3 impactful songs in that person’s life. It could be a song from their childhood, their first concert, a cringe-worthy song that they just can’t help but love. The opportunities are endless! After the interviews are over, the team reunites to give everyone the opportunity to process what they learned, what surprised them, or any other realizations. The last step is to create a team playlist integrating everyone’s songs into Spotify or Apple Music. These playlists become the soundtrack for the team and never fail to bring a little joy! 


By cultivating a culture of psychological safety, you’ll build resilient, innovative, and engaged teams that are prepared to tackle any challenge. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies in our upcoming newsletters. Let’s create a workplace where everyone feels safe to share, innovate, and grow together! 

Design Technology Insight with Bethany Pritchard: Takeaways from AIA'24

Editorial by Bethany Pritchard, Design Technology Director @ VMDO Architects

Bethany Pritchard presents tech strategies for small firms at AIA24.

Bethany Pritchard presents Small Firm Tech Strategies at TAP Forum during AIA24.

AIA '24 from a Design Technologist's Perspective

AIA '24 National Conference in Washington D.C. was filled with opportunities to learn about technology-focused topics. As Director of Design Technology at VMDO Architects, I made sure to optimize my schedule at AIA '24 to attend as many technology-focused sessions as possible. I'm also passionate about knowledge sharing and building a firm culture that not only provides learning opportunities but also encourages open collaboration and the sharing of knowledge with others. Therefore, I attended sessions on firm culture and knowledge sharing as well.


Highlights from the Conference:

TAP Symposium

By far, the TAP Symposium with Dr. Mehdi Nourbakhsh and Phil Bernstein, FAIA was the highlight of the conference. Both speakers were engaging and inspiring, providing valuable strategies for implementing AI into our workflows.

By now you've probably heard the phrase I've heard several times now: "AI will not replace you, but someone who knows how to use AI will". Another message I came away from AIA '24 with is that those of us who can figure out innovative ways to use AI will set us apart from the rest. We are moving into a new era. Looking at the past, our profession has experienced the Analog Era (Pen & Paper) & the Data Modeling Era (CAD). We're currently in the Information Modeling Era (BIM). What's next is the Knowledge Modeling Era (AI-assisted Design). As we move into this new era, new jobs that don't exist now will emerge. So how do we prepare ourselves and our industry for this future we speak of? We can start by identifying repetitive tasks or inefficient workflows that could be improved with AI. We can also look at our firm culture and make sure our people are supported and ready. As with all technology, successful adoption and implementation of AI will require equal parts, technology, people and process. To me, this directly relates to firm culture, and ties in nicely with another session I attended 'Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast'. That session was all about change management and strategies for developing a firm culture of openness to change (which in my mind means learning and growth), enhanced by collaboration and open knowledge sharing. A firm with this type of culture will not only ensure successful adoption of new technologies, but it will also attract new talent.


It's always nice to balance out the enthusiasm with a bit of realism. There were several conversations about areas of AI where we should use caution and be deliberate about how, where, when, and why we choose to use AI. It's tempting to jump on the AI bandwagon influenced by the AI hype, but instead we should focus on its practical applications rather than just using technology for technology's sake. With over 1,100 new AI products on the market for AEC, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. According to the Gartner Hype Cycle, which is a method of evaluating new technology, AI is currently at the 'Peak of Inflated Expectations'. The next phase is the 'Trough of Disillusionment', so you can imagine we've got a bumpy road ahead until we finally get to 'Plateau of Productivity', but AI will eventually get there!


TAP Forum

Joel Martineau of dRofus, and 2023 Chair of the National TAP Knowledge Community, led a panel discussion followed by quick presentations by local TAP components. I presented a short segment focusing on tips for planning successful TAP Community events and small firm technology strategies. It was great to connect with other TAP Knowledge Community enthusiasts!



The EXPO was an impressive showcase of the latest tools and technologies in the industry, providing hands-on experiences and networking opportunities with leading tech innovators. I wish I had had more time to stop at more booths, but I was able to see Autodesk (of course), Trimble/SketchUp, Chaos/Enscape, Allegion (Overtur Revit Add-in), Snaptrude, Conspectus, and many others. The highlight for me: Snaptrude - this is an emerging company we should all be keeping an eye on!


Takeaways from other Sessions

Several other sessions lead by architects further explored AI's role in our industry, reinforcing the idea that AI will not replace us but will serve as a valuable tool to enhance our efficiency and the quality of our work. I gained a better understanding of how to use AI, what it is good at and what it's limitations are. Since attending AIA '24 my mindset about AI has shifted. One speaker suggested to think of AI as a coworker or an assistant – a collaboration that allows you to achieve more. Several sessions gave examples of ways to use AI, and examples of successful prompts along with the back and forth conversation with AI to refine the results. Now that I've started to view AI as an assistant to help me with part of a task, but not expect it to do the entire task for me, I have had more success. Also, understanding that AI's strength is language, which includes math and programming, I have tried to use it more for those types of tasks. In fact, I used AI to help me write this article... Can you tell?


One of the many things I love about VMDO Architects is that we have built a firm culture that supports continual learning and growth, similar to the type of firm culture I described earlier in this article. There is no doubt in my mind that we will come up with innovative ways we can use AI to enhance our work. In fact, we are hiring right now, so if you are passionate about education (designing buildings for academic environments and being immersed in a firm culture that supports lifelong learning), you should apply!