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UVA: Esra Ackan - Right to Heal

Right to Heal: Human Rights, Reparations, and the Future of Memorials — FULL info here

Speaker: Esra Ackan
Michael A. McCarthy Professor of Architectural Theory and Resident Director in the Institute for Comparative Modernities, Cornell University

What is the role of the designed environment both in the opportunistic responses to conflicts and disasters, and in the much-needed debates of accountability, reckoning with the past, and transitional justice? In this lecture, scholar and author Esra Akcan explores the concept of right to heal and architecture’s role within, by defining a healing space as one where political and ecological harms are confronted, and accountability and reparations are instituted. She raises the question of harm and healing after human rights violations in the past, and the right-to-truth. 

This event is in-person only; it will be recorded and made available on UVA School of Architecture's Youtube Channel.