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Cville RUG: Roundtable Workshop: 2D Annotation Strategies

Charlottesville Revit User Group July meeting! *Hybrid options available* Roundtable Workshop: 2D Strategies - Schedules and the Revit Database - Calculating Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures

Wednesday, July 17th @ 12:30pm 

@ Grimm and Parker Architects or via Microsoft Teams here. 

RSVP here!

** Workshop followed by Q/A networking. 

** AIA Learning Credit CEUs pending approval.

Session Description
This workshop explores 2D strategies, specifically schedules and the Revit database, focusing on calculating the minimum number of required plumbing fixtures as defined by the International Building Code. Participants will learn how to use Areas, Area Plans and Schedules to capture, calculate and contain data such as floor area, occupant load factor, function of space, and calculated maximum occupant load. That data will in turn be used to calculate the minimum number of required plumbing fixtures for each fixture type. Best practices will be shown for structuring the complex formula syntax for these calculated values and participants will learn how to use AI to assist with that process! We will also discuss the importance of the accuracy of this data, when we can be confident in Revit's calculations and when we need to export the data to Excel to be certain the calculations are correct. Lastly, we will have a guest appearance by Altaf Ganihar from Snaptrude, a software developer who will show us how their product could help make this process easier, faster, and more reliable!

Prerequisite Knowledge
Knowledge of Areas, Area Plans and Schedules in Revit as well as a basic understanding of the different types of parameters (project, family, and shared) and a general knowledge of the International Building Code.

Learning Objectives
- Understand best practices for using Area Plans, Key Schedules, and Schedules with Calculated Values to calculate the minimum number of required plumbing fixtures.
- Learn how to add Parameters to Areas in Revit to contain the data, the proper formula syntax for the Calculated Values, and how to use AI to assist with lengthy and complicated formula syntax.
- Explore the process of validating the results, troubleshooting and deciding when to export to excel for accurate results.
- Learn about emerging technologies that can potentially help us with the process of using the data in Revit to calculate the minimum number of required plumbing fixtures.


Stay up to date with Cville RUG via their Meetup page here.